Dr. Isabel María Martín Monzón . Born in Spain. Head of research projects and protocols development of BGF
Is a Ph.D. in Psychobiology (2009). Associate Professor at the University (2022), and a neuropsychologist (Master's Degree in Brain Damage Psychobiology 2004-2006, accredited as Expert Psychologist in Clinical Neuropsychology by the Official College of Psychologists, Spain).
She has continuously developed research, teaching, and professional tasks in the field of Psychobiology in general and Neuropsychology in particular over the last 18 years, giving her extensive research, clinical, and university training experience.
At the end of his degree (2004), Dr. Isabel María Martín Monzón obtained the highest awards of academic excellence: Award for the Best Academic Transcripts of the Faculties and Schools of the University of Seville, Extraordinary End of Degree Award in Psychology, and Royal Maestranza de Caballería University Award from Seville for the Best Academic Record of the degree. She has also received research prizes and awards from Scientific Societies such as FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) in recent years.
She currently collaborates with prestigious universities (Stanford University, University of Amsterdam, Cardiff University, among others) and with international reference hospitals such as Mayo Clinic Hospital (Florida, USA), where she has participated together with Dr. Quiñones-Hinojosa's team in the intraoperative evaluation of patients with brain tumors or epilepsy. Likewise, this year she has carried out a research stay at the Hospital Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier (France), mentored by Professor Duffau, specializing in the study of connectomics and understanding the dynamics of cortico-subcortical networks. Of cognitive and emotional processes.
Concerning university teaching, she has taught core and optional subjects in the area of Psychobiology at the University of Seville from 2005 to the present (Fundamentals in Psychobiology, Psychobiology of Cognitive Processes) as well as master's courses (University Master's Degree in Studies Advanced in Brain and Behavior, subject Psychobiology of Learning and Memory; Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, subject Basic Fundamentals of Neuropsychological Damage and Applied Psychopharmacology).
Concerning research and professional profile, the result of a brilliant career in Neurosciences, Dr. Isabel Martín-Monzón has generated various scientific publications of recognized prestige, as well as book chapters, and has given presentations at national and international congresses within her field of specialization. She has collaborated with her in the Department of Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neurophysiology, and Interventional Radiology of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital (Seville) in different studies on neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation in patients with brain tumors, as well as reflections on patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. She co-authored three clinical protocols with intellectual property registration, applied in the Neurology and Neurosurgery Services of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital.
She actively participates as a member of international scientific societies (International Neuropsychological Society -INS-, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies -FENS-, World Federation for Neurorehabilitation -WFNR-, European Brain and Behavior Society -EBBS-), and national ones such as Federation of Neuropsychology Associations Spanish -FANPSE-, and Andalusian Society of Neuropsychology -SANP-, among others.